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Image by Lukasz Szmigiel


wellness comes from within



November 4, 2023


8:30am - 8:45am Check-in

Chinook Room

9:00am - 10:00am

Breaking Through Procrastination 

Presenter: Tanya Lleigh

Tanya Lleigh Coaching


Ever feel like you’re always behind? 

Like you “should” be doing something else?

Or like you can’t seem to focus on the task at hand?  

Then this workshop is for you!

Procrastination is one of the biggest ways we hold ourselves back and self-sabotage. 

Falling into the trap of “I can do it later” or “there is plenty of time” or “I don’t know where to start", leaving things to the last minute and then stressing ourselves out to get it all done. Together we will look at why we fall into the procrastination trap, how to pull yourself out of it and how to set yourself up to break the cycle of procrastination before it starts. We will end our time together with a beautiful EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping process to anchor in new beliefs around procrastination and self-sabotage to clear out any stuck energy you may have surrounding it.


Bring a journal and pen.


10:30am - 12:00pm

Elevate Your Energy

Presenter: Sam Kirouac

Sam Kirouac Soul Healing


Get ready to embark on an empowering journey as we dive into the incredible power of energy. Discover how elevating your energy can level up your personal well-being and set you on a path to success. Unravel the fundamentals of energy and learn practical techniques to clear and recharge your inner spark. Embrace self-love, gratitude, and
compassion, aligning your energy with your wildest dreams. Manifest success through intention, visualization, and inspired action. Seamlessly integrate energy practices into your daily routines with personalized care plans and empowering rituals. Unleash your true potential, ignite your inner spark, and experience a life filled with joy, vitality, and success.


Bring a journal and pen.



12:00pm - 1:15pm Lunch Break



1:15pm - 3:15pm

Medium Session

Presenter: Michelle Minke



In this unique session, Medium, Michelle Minke will bring through messages and evidence of your loved ones on the other side.

Michelle will tell you how they are communicating with you, what they have seen of your life and share special memories with you. While not everyone will hear directly from their loved one, many times people experience echo’s of their loved ones through the messages together.


Bring a journal and pen.

3:30pm - 5:00pm

The Alchemy of Trauma and Healing

Presenter: Michelle Agopsowicz

Illuminated Path Counselling


Trauma is a universal experience that shapes our lives in very tangible as well as hidden ways. During this presentation you will explore a paradigm shift in  how we think about trauma and the patterns of coping that it creates in our lives.  Learn how trauma affects every aspect of our being through our physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual health.  The experience of trauma has a way of disconnecting us from ourselves and the larger human experience.  Discover how the exploration of trauma, and the meaning it holds, can lead to a path of healing, wholeness and self-compassion.


Bring a pen and journal.



5:00pm - 6:30pm Dinner Break


6:30pm - 8:00pm

Align by Design

Presenter: Kristell Court



Have you been hearing about Human Design everywhere? Are you ready to embrace your strengths and navigate obstacles with more ease?  Look no further than your Human Design energy type!    


In this session we will, explore the five Human Design Energy Types and learn how they shape our decision-making, relationships, and life purpose. Through reflective exercises and discussions, embrace your strengths, improve communication, overcome challenges, and align your life with your authentic nature. Join Kristell for this transformative journey to self discovery as you develop this new awareness.


In advance of this session, please click here to obtain your free Human Design Chart. Print and bring your chart to assist with note taking.  


Bring a pen and journal.



9:00am - 10:00am

Sound Frequency for the Soul

Presenter: Samantha Baldwin

Goddess Temple of Healing Arts


Sound therapy has been practiced since ancient times. Some aspects of sound bathing can help people with various concerns, such as stress, processing emotions, or unblocking chakras. A sound bath usually involves lying down on a mat in a group setting. Sound therapy is based on the idea that every part of your body creates a vibration which resonates in a certain way creating a vibrational healing for our bodies, which are in a constant state of vibration. During this sound bath ceremony, the crystal alchemy bowls offer high frequency sound waves to wash over you and take you on a journey beyond. Offering relaxation, energetic cleansing and transmute unwanted energy from your biofield. The different bowls offer different qualities/elements and different tones to synchronize you and bring you into harmony with your optimal self.


Bring meditation cushion or yoga mat, blanket, pillow, journal and pen.


Bow Valley Room

10:30am - 12:00pm

Celebrate Your Creative Flow & Vibration

Presenter: Theresa White

Warrior Arts & Wellness


“Creativity is Intelligence having Fun” - Albert Einstein


Everything begins with a seed, an idea, a moment of inspiration. This initial seed unfolds as our creativity flows. As we increase energy flow of prana and movement in the body, the mind’s imagination and creative force is expressed more as a torrent than a trickle! Support yourself to move past self-limiting ideas and beliefs into an inner space of expansion where your mind can dance and play! This workshop offers you an experience to connect to your creative energy and vibration through the power of conscious breath, movement, and meditation. Finally surrender and relax to the sound that encompasses all universal frequencies to raise your creative frequency (28” symphonic gong).

Expand your consciousness, insights and elevate your perspective to experience a freedom of spirit, opening the flow to creative wildness and expression!

The key to a happy and fulfilled life is tapping into our creative flow.


“Creativity is the way I share my soul with the world.” Brene Brown


Bring yoga mat, journal and pen.


12:00pm - 1:15pm Lunch Break



1:15pm - 3:15pm

Breathwork Ceremony

Presenters: Emily Toll & Stuart Tibbetts


Breathing in a rhythm grants us the permission to bypass the analytical mind and step deeper into our feeling nature, allowing us to shift the way we feel! We are then able to heal the mind and the body of energetic imprints, release heavy emotions, create new neurological pathways, and new habits and ways of being that bring us into deeper alignment.

During this ceremony, you will experience energy clearing, rhythmic breathing, breath retentions, sacred sound and will be guided and held throughout the journey. The result of the ceremony will be different for everyone. All you will need is the willingness to go deep within, a cushion or bolster so your hips are higher than your legs, your water bottle, and your beautiful self!



This experience is not suitable for those who are experiencing/ have experienced the following:

Currently pregnant, heart condition, high blood pressure, use of a pacemaker, COPD 1 & 2, epilepsy, concussions, terminal illness, PTSD, or psychosis.


Bring meditation cushion or yoga mat, journal and pen.




3:30pm - 5:00pm

Presence & Alignment

Presenter: Amanda Blaire

Amanda Blaire Wellness


We live in a fast paced world where our attention is often divided between multiple things at a time. We worry about work, our families, our social lives, and more all while hearing about the concepts of presence, self care, and stillness. It can feel impossible to settle into the quiet alignment that our soul desperately craves. In this hour and a half long class you will be guided through intention setting, a powerful meditation giving you permission to be in full presence, journal prompts, gentle yoga movements, and chakra alignment to settle you deeper into the comfort of your mind and body. You will leave feeling nourished and at peace as you enter back into your day to day life.


Bring a journal, pen, and yoga mat



5:00pm - 6:30pm Dinner Break


6:30pm - 8:00pm

Soul Connection Drumming Circle

Presenter: Gita Grahame 



Integrative drumming circle is a very interactive class where each attendee is an active participant. We come together and create beautiful rhythms as a community. Several kinds of drums as well as a variety of fun percussion instruments will be supplied. Attendees do not need any musical training or experience, just an open mind and willingness to enjoy what comes. 


A drum will be provided to you or you may bring your own drum.



8:15pm - 9:00pm

Restore Your Frequency

Presenters: Lisa & Todd Moroz



Come surrender to the quiet and stillness of the body and mind as a beautiful way to wrap up your day. Yoga Nidra is often referred to as yogic sleep; the body and the mind are primed for deep rest through intention setting (sankalpa), meditation, and relaxing all parts of the body. Traveling through brain states and energy layers, you will explore a power which can be accessed when it's in the receptive hypnogogic state of alpha brain. This practice activates a physical and mental release of emotional tension, slows down the nervous system and allows the muscles to relax, helping the body rest, heal, and change limiting beliefs. We then allow the sound vibrations of the crystal sound bowls, chimes and hand drum to wash over us, restoring our frequency and integrating our experiences of the day on a cellular level.


Bring meditation cushion or yoga mat, blanket, pillow, journal and pen.



Foothills Wellness Retreat
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